There is a disconnect between school and life.
We all see it. “From Rebel to Ruler” has everything a student needs to prepare for college and careers: the practical, like creating a resume and writing a personal statement, and the philosophical, like how to make decisions and define success. The best lessons on leadership and life have been collected from cultures around the world and presented in a sequence focused on solving the problem: "What should I do with my life?" Schools that use this course have seen strong impacts in both the rates of enrollment in college and the quality of the colleges selected. Students will learn valuable academic skills they can learn right away. Rebellious teens will learn to harness their creative energies through this unique course. Rebel to Ruler improves upon existing college readiness programs through a few simple changes:
No other course combines the best research into social and emotional learning, grit, career choice and college readiness with a deep hands-on experience engaging a diverse array of students. Created by a former NYC public school teacher, Nick Kurian, creator of the SAT Genius professional development program and the Mentor Scholar college mentoring program. |